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FirstService Residential Connect’s self-service platform provides 24/7 access whenever it’s convenient for you to all your HOA needs. With just a few clicks, you can access association forms and documents, pay association fees, update account information and so much more…

First time users:

1. Select “Register”

2. Fill in your email address and cell phone number on the form, confirm you are not a robot and click the “Register” button

3. Select your registration method

NOTE: If neither the email address nor the cell phone number are found in our records, you will be prompted to contact Customer Care at 866-378-1099 to provide your contact information for registration.

EMAIL: If we have email on file for you, click this button to use email to complete your registration. If you clicked the EMAIL registration button noted above, you will receive an email from “Resident Portal – No Reply” / DoNotReply@fsresidential.com titled “Complete Your Registration”. 

Click the blue “Complete Registration” button inside the email.

CELL PHONE: If we have a cell phone number on file for you, click this button to use your cell phone to complete your registration. If you clicked the CELL PHONE button noted above, you will receive a text message with a code to complete registration. Enter the code into the website form to proceed.

 NOTE: This code may include letters and numbers and is case-sensitive.

4. Fill out your information and create a password.

 Password Criteria:

  • Minimum of 8 characters in length

  • 25 characters maximum

  • Password must have at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter, at least one number, at least one special character (! @ # $ % ^ & *)

 5. After you register you will be redirected to the login page. Enter your email address and new password to log in.
